Insgesamt dreimal im Spiel wird die Situation kommen, wo ihr euch Mann gegen Mann mit jemandem duellieren müsst. Diese speziellen Zweikämpfe laufen in etwa nach dem Prinzip „Schere, Stein, Papier“ ab, d. h. jeder Kämpfer kann einen von drei Befehlen wählen, den er als nächstes ausführen möchte:

  • Attack
  • Defend
  • Desperate Attack

Abhängig von der Aktion des Gegners, hat jeder Befehl eine andere Auswirkung. In der Regel kann man anhand des Spruches, den der Gegner einem zuruft, erahnen was er als nächstes machen wird. Grundsätzlich empfiehlt es sich aber, im Zweifelsfall eher defensiv als offensiv zu agieren. Wenn alles nichts hilft, habt ihr hier die passenden „Antworten“ für alle Duelle.


Held vs. Kwanda Rosman

Dieser Kampf beginnt direkt nach der Zerstörung des „Burning Mirror“. Kwanda wird so sauer über die Niederlage seiner Armee sein, dass er euch zu einem Duell herausfordert. Anschließend kann er sogar rekrutiert werden!

Kwandas Spruch Kwandas Aktion Eure Reaktion
Arghhh! I underestimated you. Defend Attack
At a loss, are you? But I’ll show no mercy! Attack Defend
Can you break my invulnerable defenses? Defend Attack
Carefully… Defend Attack
Cautious, aren’t you. Just like a leader. Defend Attack
Damn! I underestimated you. Attack Defend
Damn! My turn! Defend Attack
Don’t bore me. Show me what you can do. Defend Attack
Forget it. You’re methods are obvious. Defend Attack
Ha ha! You’ll have to do better than that! Attack Defend
Heh, now it’s my turn. Attack Defend
Here we go again! Desperate Attack Defend
I’ll get you! Desperate Attack Defend
I’ll show you how it’s done. Desperate Attack Defend
Impossible! You can’t avoid my blows! Desperate Attack Defend
Interesting. How about another round? Desperate Attack Defend
Now it’s your turn. Come on! Defend Attack
Pretty good. How about another one? Defend Attack
Take that! Desperate Attack Defend
Taste the sharpness of my blade! Attack Defend
That’s nothing! Attack Defend
The next one won’t be so easy! Desperate Attack Defend
Victory is near! I strike with all my might! Desperate Attack Defend
Well done. But can you take this? Attack Defend
Well done. You’re a worthy opponent. Now it’s my turn! Desperate Attack Defend
We’re getting nowhere. Here I come! Desperate Attack Defend
What now? Defend Attack
What’s the matter? If you don’t attack, I will! Attack Defend
Whoa! Pretty good, Teo’s little boy. Now it’s my turn! Attack Defend
You’re better than I thought. But how about this? Attack Defend

Pahn vs. Teo McDohl

Nach eurer vernichtenden Niederlage gegen Teos gepanzerte Kavallerie, wird die Gruppe versuchen zurück ins Schloss zu flüchten, allerdings ist Teo ihnen dicht auf den Fersen. Pahn wird versuchen, seinen ehemaligen Meister in einem Duell aufzuhalten, um seinen Freunden etwas Zeit zu verschaffen.

Teos Spruch Teos Aktion Eure Reaktion
All right, do it again! Defend Attack
All you can do is defend, Pahn? No mercy! Attack Desperate Attack
Can you dodge my blade, Pahn? Desperate Attack Defend
Come on, Pahn. See if you can kill me. Defend Attack
Did you see me coming? Attack Desperate Attack
Do you give up? Defend Attack
Do you see how we’re mismatched? Attack Desperate Attack
Excellent, Pahn. You’re a real fighter. Here’s another! Desperate Attack Defend
Finish me with a single blow! Desperate Attack Defend
Get serious, Pahn. This is how it’s done. Attack Desperate Attack
Good work, Pahn. I’ll have to be more careful. Defend Attack
Hmmm. Here I come again! Desperate Attack Defend
If you don’t attack, I will! Desperate Attack Defend
I’ll see that coming next time! Defend Attack
I’m losing my cool. Better be careful. Defend Attack
Impossible! Take that! Desperate Attack Defend
Is that all you’ve got? Now it’s my turn! Attack Desperate Attack
My killer blade… Desperate Attack Defend
My sword’s not rusty yet. Attack Desperate Attack
Now that I’ve seen what you’ve got, I’ll show you what I can do. Desperate Attack Defend
Pretty good, Pahn. Attack Desperate Attack
Strike me, Pahn! Defend Attack
That’s…no good. Desperate Attack Defend
That was a good one, Pahn. Now it’s my turn. Attack Desperate Attack
The next one will be more painful. Desperate Attack Defend
The numbness in my hands, it’s real. Attack Desperate Attack
You’re a smart one, Pahn. Defend Attack
You’re better than I thought. Defend Attack
We’re getting nowhere. Here I come! Attack Desperate Attack
What’s the matter, Pahn? How about another round? Defend Attack

Held vs. Teo McDohl

Nachdem ihr Teos gepanzerte Kavallerie mithilfe der Feuerspeere bezwungen habt, werdet ihr eurem eigenen Vater in einem letzten Duell gegenüberstehen müssen, um den endgültigen Sieger zu bestimmen.

Teos Spruch Teos Aktion Eure Reaktion
Are you trying to surpass me? Desperate Attack Defend
Can you avoid my sword? Desperate Attack Defend
Come on! Show me what a man you’ve become. Defend Attack
Did you see that coming? Attack Desperate Attack
Do you see how much better I am? Attack Desperate Attack
Good, try it again! Defend Attack
Here I come, my son. Attack Desperate Attack
Hmmm. Here I come again! Desperate Attack Defend
If you don’t attack, I will! Desperate Attack Defend
I’ll see you coming next time! Defend Attack
I’m delighted, my son. You’re quite a warrior… Desperate Attack Defend
I’m losing my cool. I must be more cautious! Defend Attack
I mustn’t underestimate you. Defend Attack
Is defending yourself all you can do? You’ll never win that way. Attack Desperate Attack
Is that all you’ve got? Defend Attack
I underestimated you! What’s wrong? Another round? Defend Attack
Leader of the Liberation Army! No wonder you’re careful. Defend Attack
My deadly sword… Desperate Attack Defend
My sword is the Emperor’s sword. I’ll show no mercy! Desperate Attack Defend
Now that I’ve seen what you’ve got, I’ll show you what I can do. Desperate Attack Defend
Show me what you’ve learned. Defend Attack
That’s…no good. Desperate Attack Defend
That was nothing. Now it’s my turn. Attack Desperate Attack
That was pretty good. Now it’s my turn. Attack Desperate Attack
The next one will be more painful. Desperate Attack Defend
The numbness in my hands, it’s real! Attack Desperate Attack
You’re soft…soft! This is how you attack! Attack Desperate Attack
Well done! Attack Desperate Attack
Well done! I must be more careful too. Defend Attack
We’re getting nowhere. Here I come! Attack Desperate Attack